L02.8: Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites
You have inflammation of the skin.
A lot of pus has collected beneath your skin. There is a solid shell around the pus. This way, the body aims to prevent the inflammation from spreading. The tissue around hair roots often gets inflamed.
The inflammation is usually caused by bacteria. The inflammation can also occur if hairs rub against each other for a long time and then grow inwards. This type of inflammation is more prone to occurring and spreading when the immune system is weak. Heavy sweating or poor hygiene can make the inflammation worse.
If the pus is unable to drain properly, the red and swollen sites become painful. Especially pressure from the outside is perceived as very unpleasant. Small openings in the skin leaking pus are sometimes visible.
Additional indicator
On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.
- G: Confirmed diagnosis
- V: Tentative diagnosis
- Z: Condition after
- A: Excluded diagnosis
- L: Left
- R: Right
- B: Both sides
Further information
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).