Postpartum depression is one type of depression that can occur in women shortly after they give birth. Depressive symptoms and feeling very mixed emotions in relation to the baby are typical.
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop as a result of a trauma that has been experienced. Typical symptoms are flashbacks, anxieties and sleeping problems.
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Schizophrenia involves phases of an altered perception of reality. This can take the form of delusions, hearing voices or a feeling of being watched, for example.
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An obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can have a major impact on every aspect of daily life. There is no cure for OCD. There are treatment options to help people manage it.
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It is normal to experience fear at times. Fear puts us in a state of readiness so that we can react quickly. However, persistent worry could be an indication of generalized anxiety disorder.
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People with sleep disorders are often tired and exhausted because they have not had enough restful sleep. Up to one third of people experience problems falling asleep or getting a good night’s sleep.
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What is referred to as burnout is usually a personal crisis. It is a reaction to constant stress and overload. But there is no exact scientific definition of “burnout”.
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People with depression have sad and negative thoughts for weeks, withdraw from family and friends. Depression determines the way they act and think. Daily life, work, and studying become difficult.
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Premenstrual syndrome refers to set of symptoms that women may have before their monthly menstrual period. Typical symptoms include mood swings, headaches and abdominal pain.
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People with Alzheimer’s disease suffer a considerable loss of memory and cognitive functioning. The disease cannot be cured. However, treatment can have a positive effect on its progression.
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Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disorders with specific characteristics: people with autism have problems communicating with others and with social competence.
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With vascular dementia, circulatory disorders in the brain lead to a reduction in mental abilities. It is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.
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Many people experience persistent somatic symptoms with no clear medical cause. Functional somatic syndromes can be caused by stress and conflict.
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If a man almost always reaches orgasm too soon, this is known as premature ejaculation, the medical term for which is ejaculatio praecox. Exercises, medication or sex therapy can help.
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Children with ADHD are particularly inattentive, impulsive, and active. The symptoms may persist into adulthood.
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Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme fluctuations in mood. The person either feels on an emotional high or feels low and empty.
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