Healthcare law textbook and a stethoscope lying on a table. More books piled on the table in the background.

Patient rights

Patients in Germany have statutory rights. What information does a patient’s record contain? When are you entitled to a second opinion before an operation? And what can you do if you suspect that a treatment error has occurred? This section offers you an overview of your rights as a patient. After all, only those who know their rights can actually enforce them.  

Patients’ rights: what you are entitled to

It is important that patients understand their own rights. This article explains which patient rights exist and what doctors’ obligations are.

Rights of people with a severe disability

People with a severe disability face specific challenges in their daily lives. They have special rights and entitlements to help them participate on equal terms despite these challenges.

The personal budget – more self-determination for people with disabilities

The personal budget gives people with disabilities greater independence. This article explains how it can be used and discusses important considerations.

Medical malpractice: what can I do?

Patients whose treatment does not have the desired outcome or for whom there are complications often ask themselves whether medical malpractice has been committed.

Patient record: what it contains and who can view it

Patient records document all significant medical measures. Patients have the right to view their records.

Deficiencies in long-term care – who can I turn to for help?

There are various points of contact for people experiencing deficiencies in long-term care provision. A legal dispute is best avoided if possible.

Choosing a doctor and finding an appointment: obtaining help from the right people

This article covers when a specialist referral is needed, how to find an appointment and patient rights with regard to choosing a doctor.

The right to information and informed consent

Patients have the right to receive all key information from their doctor with regard to the diagnosis of an illness, the expected outlook and the treatment.

Second opinion: when can a second medical opinion be sought?

Deciding whether or not to have an operation is often difficult. A second medical opinion can help. In some cases, people with statutory insurance benefit from a specific procedure.

Patient's receipt

People covered by statutory health insurance are entitled to a patient's receipt. This creates greater transparency in the health sector. How can I get one? When should I be given one?

Lasting powers of attorney, guardianship directives and advance healthcare directives

Advance directives enable you to control who can make decisions and act on your behalf in health, legal and financial matters if you are no longer able to do so for yourself.

Switching health insurance provider

People with statutory health insurance are entitled to freely choose and switch their health insurance provider. But when is it worth switching? Read more about it here.

Appealing a decision by a health insurance provider

Health insurance holders are entitled to lodge an appeal if their health insurance provider rejects a claim for benefits. Read on to find out which steps to follow and what to be aware of.

Complaints about medical treatment

What rights do patients have who feel that they have received poor or incorrect treatment or believe that their doctor has broken the rules?