Too much work, tension and stress can cause illness or exacerbate symptoms of illness. That’s why regular relaxation is a key element in promoting good health.
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Stress can motivate us to achieve peak performance, but can also make us ill in the long run. Breaks for relaxation are important to avoid stress-related illnesses.
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Acting as a caregiver for a loved one can be very stressful, both mentally and physically. In this article, caregivers will learn how to avoid burnout.
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Sleep can be disturbed by many things, for example light, noise, stimulants or stress. Find out more about what affects sleep and how to combat sleep issues.
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In the years leading up to menopause, the hormonal balance in a woman’s body changes. Hormones control many bodily processes, and so it takes some time for the body to adjust.
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Read about why relaxation is important, how it affects the body and what techniques people can use to help them relax.
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This article provides an overview of the topic of psychotherapy and explains its effectiveness and the various approaches that may be used.
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Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy. This article describes how it works and when it is used.
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This article explains what depression is and what you can do if you experience depressive symptoms.
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This article addresses matters such as what mental crises are, the associated management phases and how people can deal with mental crises.
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Mental resilience is important for dealing with crises. This article explains how resilience is developed and how it can be strengthened.
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This article explains how to deal with anxiety and when to seek help for anxiety and panic.
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This article discusses the ways in which people grieve and offers suggestions on how to cope with a loss.
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There is a large range of products that claim to strengthen one’s defenses. For very few of them is there any reliable evidence that they are effective. But a healthy lifestyle has various benefits.
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Everyone can forget their keys now and again. But where is the boundary between forgetfulness and dementia? Find out more about mental health in later life and what we can do to stay mentally fit.
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In cases of hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) there are a number of treatment options. You can find out more about them in this article on androgenetic alopecia in men.
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Many people don't feel comfortable in their own skin when it’s too dry. Sometimes, all that's needed is a few behavioral changes. In other cases, medical advice is required.
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