Most people experience tinnitus from time to time, for example after a loud concert. But people with tinnitus hear constant sounds like whistling or humming in their ears without any apparent reason.
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Middle ear infections are one of the most common illnesses among small children. Children with an infection cry often and complain of pain.
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Acute tonsillitis is accompanied by a sore throat and fever. Recurring tonsillitis in short intervals can be very difficult to endure.
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Someone who suffers from sinusitis has, for example, a blocked nose and a feeling of pressure in the forehead or jaw.
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Glandular fever is an infectious disease that is triggered by certain herpes viruses. It is usually transmitted in saliva. Hygiene measures are essential to prevention.
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Mumps is a viral infection that affects not only children. Learn more about this contagious infection and how to prevent contraction.
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In an animal allergy it is not the fur that causes a reaction, but proteins that are found in the animal’s saliva, for instance. Avoiding contact with the animal can help, as can taking medication.
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Vocal cord nodules typically cause hoarseness. They usually disappear again when the voice is rested or with voice therapy.
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Scarlet fever bacteria (streptococci) cause an illness in children with symptoms such as a high temperature, sore throat, and a distinctive skin rash.
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When a person feels dizzy, it may be due to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. This is caused by deposits in the balance organ in the ear. The dizziness usually stops after a few weeks.
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Medication can also have undesired effects. These side effects include allergic reactions. When this happens, the immune system reacts to ingredients found in the medication.
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Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) is usually caused by a viral infection of the upper airways. Hoarseness, sore throat and coughing are typical symptoms. The voice needs rest during laryngitis.
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Significantly more men than women develop laryngeal cancer. Tobacco and alcohol consumption are the main risk factors for the disease.
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If a painful swelling occurs in a salivary gland while eating, the cause is usually a salivary stone. It is often sufficient to simply stimulate the flow of saliva to flush the stone out.
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Sometimes, people suddenly suffer a sudden loss of hearing for an unknown reason. Immediate diagnosis is important due to the risk of permanent hearing damage. Treatment is sometimes required.
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An acute inflammation of the eardrum (myringitis) is caused by viruses and bacteria. Earache is a common symptom. A chronic inflammation often causes no pain.
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People with hearing loss are limited in understanding spoken language. They are also less able to perceive sounds. If a person’s hearing is (almost) non-existent, this is referred to as deafness.
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Inflammation of the epiglottis is usually caused by bacteria. Immediate treatment is required, as it can cause acute shortness of breath.
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Hearing disorders/impairment in children can have various causes. If the causes cannot be eliminated, hearing aids or auditory prostheses (cochlear implants) can help.
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A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland. The most common cause is an iodine deficiency. Various treatment options are available.
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A throat infection (pharyngitis) is usually caused by viruses. However, it can also be caused by bacteria, such as Streptococcus bacteria. This is known as streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat).
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If a person has “bad breath”, breathing out causes an unpleasant odor. In most cases, good oral and dental hygiene helps relieve the problem. Find out what causes bad breath and how to prevent it.
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Bruising of the external ear may cause the cartilage to shrivel, fold in on itself and form fibrous tissue, leading to a deformity known as cauliflower ear. This can be prevented by rapid treatment.
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Oral and throat cancer are tumor diseases that typically originate in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or throat.
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