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The healthcare system

In Germany, people who become ill are given medical and therapeutic care – for example, in medical practices, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. This care is provided 24/7 in the event of an emergency. Many different bodies and players collaborate within the healthcare system to make it work. Find out more about how the healthcare system in Germany is organized.

Long-term care insurance: support for people who need long-term care

Long-term care insurance is a compulsory insurance. It supports people who need help in day-to-day living. Read on to find out more about criteria and benefits.

Digitization in healthcare at a glance

Digitization in healthcare offers multiple opportunities, but also poses questions. Processes can be simplified and treatments improved. Important information at a glance.

Patients’ rights: what you are entitled to

It is important that patients understand their own rights. This article explains which patient rights exist and what doctors’ obligations are.

Primary care – the role of the family practice

Your family practice is an important point of contact for all health-related questions. This article outlines how to find a family practice and what services it offers.

Health insurance – security in the event of illness

If a person becomes ill, health insurance covers the costs of any necessary medical care. This page explains how the health insurance system works in Germany.

Medical care for children and adolescents – the role of pediatric practices

From birth to adulthood, pediatricians accompany their young patients during critical periods of their growth.

Care provision for long-term care recipients – who does what?

Various institutions and facilities play a role in long-term care provision. Discover who is responsible for which areas of care and who you can contact when needed.

Choosing a doctor and finding an appointment: obtaining help from the right people

This article covers when a specialist referral is needed, how to find an appointment and patient rights with regard to choosing a doctor.

Medical rehabilitation (rehab)

Rehab can help prepare people for their return to everyday life and work following an illness. Discover who is entitled to rehab and how it can be applied for.

Switching health insurance provider

People with statutory health insurance are entitled to freely choose and switch their health insurance provider. But when is it worth switching? Read more about it here.

Psychotherapy: an overview

This article provides an overview of the topic of psychotherapy and explains its effectiveness and the various approaches that may be used.