Children playing on a forest path, a boy is balancing on a tree stump with his arms spread out.

Growing up healthily

Whether learning through play, promoting healthy eating habits, sensible media consumption, or accident and injury prevention measures: a highly diverse range of articles is gradually being added to the “Growing up healthily” area, all with one topic in common: promoting a healthy and happy childhood.  

Health checks for children and adolescents

Health checks are important for the healthy development of children and adolescents. Find out more about U and J check-ups.


Bedwetting in children is more common than people realize and usually goes away on its own. As long as it lasts, there are several ways to improve the situation.

High temperature in children

High temperatures are common in children and their causes are usually harmless. Only rarely is a high temperature an indication of a serious condition that requires medical treatment.

Constipation in children

Many children suffer from constipation. Stool softeners, toilet training and dietary changes are the key elements of a successful treatment plan.

First aid for children

This article explains what to do and how to provide first aid if a child has a fall, is choking or suffers a burn.

First aid for poisoning

Urgent action is required if poisoning is suspected. This article explains the signs of poisoning and what first aid measures can be taken when it happens.

Child accidents: a mitigable risk

Accidents are among the biggest health risks and the most common causes of death among children and adolescents. Good education can help to mitigate the risk.