T45.0: Poisoning: Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
You have been poisoned by a drug from the group of antiallergics or antiemetics.
Antiallergics are drugs that can be used for allergies, among other things. Antiemetics are drugs that are typically used to treat nausea and vomiting.
A drug can cause poisoning if, for example, too much of it is taken. The drug may also be administered or taken by mistake.
The symptoms depend on which medication caused the poisoning. Some drugs can affect the circulation, for example. The heart may also beat faster. The person may also feel confused, drowsy or pass out. Some drugs from the group of antiemetics can also can lead to inability to control movements properly.
Additional indicator
On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.
- G: Confirmed diagnosis
- V: Tentative diagnosis
- Z: Condition after
- A: Excluded diagnosis
- L: Left
- R: Right
- B: Both sides
Further information
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).