Operations on other bones: Bone transplantation and transposition: Transplantation of a cortico-spongiosa chip, allogeneic, endoscopic
- 5-784.f0 Clavicle
- 5-784.f1 Proximal humerus
- 5-784.f2 Shaft of humerus
- 5-784.f3 Distal humerus
- 5-784.f4 Proximal radius
- 5-784.f5 Shaft of radius
- 5-784.f6 Distal radius
- 5-784.f7 Proximal ulna
- 5-784.f8 Shaft of ulna
- 5-784.f9 Distal ulna
- 5-784.fa Carpals
- 5-784.fb Metacarpals
- 5-784.fc Phalanges of the hand
- 5-784.fd Pelvic
- 5-784.fe Neck of femur
- 5-784.ff Proximal femur
- 5-784.fg Shaft of femur
- 5-784.fh Distal femur
- 5-784.fj Patella
- 5-784.fk Proximal tibia
- 5-784.fm Shaft of tibia
- 5-784.fn Distal tibia
- 5-784.fp Proximal fibula
- 5-784.fq Shaft of fibula
- 5-784.fr Distal fibula
- 5-784.fs Talus
- 5-784.ft Calcaneus
- 5-784.fu Tarsals
- 5-784.fv Metatarsals
- 5-784.fw Phalanges of the foot
- 5-784.fx Other
- 5-784.fz Scapula
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).