Caregiver going for a walk in a park with an old lady, with her right arm around her shoulder.

Long-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance covers the insured party for the event that they require long-term care. It is a form of mandatory insurance in Germany and is intended to enable those affected to live as independently as possible. These articles provide information about long-term care insurance and the meaning of care dependency. 

Long-term care insurance: support for people who need long-term care

Long-term care insurance is a compulsory insurance. It supports people who need help in day-to-day living. Read on to find out more about criteria and benefits.

Care grades at a glance

The long-term care insurance provider uses the care grades to rate how much care people need and how many care benefits they receive. Find out more about classification and the benefits available.

Prevention and health in care facilities

Health promotion and prevention are also important to care recipients. Read here how this is put into practice in care facilities.

Determining the quality of care facilities

Quality is an important criterion when selecting a care facility. But how can you determine this? Read on to find out more about standards and inspection procedures.

Deficiencies in long-term care – who can I turn to for help?

There are various points of contact for people experiencing deficiencies in long-term care provision. A legal dispute is best avoided if possible.

Care provision for long-term care recipients – who does what?

Various institutions and facilities play a role in long-term care provision. Discover who is responsible for which areas of care and who you can contact when needed.

Private supplementary care insurance

Compulsory long-term care insurance only partly covers total care costs. Supplementary care insurance is available to close any potential financial gap that may arise in covering the cost of care.

Care assessment – what to be aware of

The care assessment determines a person’s care grade. Read on to find out how to prepare for it.

Who can avail of supported living?

Supported living (also known as assisted living) enables people who are in need of support to live in private accommodation and to lead a self-determined life as independently as possible.

Digitization in the care sector

Digitization has a major impact on the care sector and can benefit both care recipients and carers. Find out more about the pros and cons of digital technology.