F31.5: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms

You are currently very depressive due to a bipolar disorder.

A bipolar disorder is a mental illness. With a bipolar disorder, one's mood can change in different ways.

One's mood may be high. Then you will have a lot of energy and feel extremely capable. As a result, you can overestimate yourself. One may also be irritable or behave abnormally. For example, you might be very talkative, restless, or require little sleep.

You can also be depressive due to a bipolar disorder. Your mood is then down. You feel very low, for example, and you stop enjoying things. You may feel exhausted and find everyday activities harder than before. You can lose interest in things which you previously enjoyed. They may also be finding it harder to concentrate and they may have lost confidence in themselves.

The bipolar disorder has also changed your thoughts and your perception. For example, you might then be able to hear things that are not really there. It is also possible for you to misjudge reality, Then you might very much overestimate yourself or feel guilty for no reason. You may also feel persecuted.

The condition can seriously affect one's everyday life, work or private life. For a long time you may have no symptoms from the disorder.

Additional indicator

On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.

  • G: Confirmed diagnosis
  • V: Tentative diagnosis
  • Z: Condition after
  • A: Excluded diagnosis
  • L: Left
  • R: Right
  • B: Both sides

Further information


This information is not intended for self-diagnosis and does not replace professional medical advice from a doctor. If you find an ICD code on a personal medical document, please also note the additional indicator used for diagnostic confidence.
Your doctor will assist you with any health-related questions and explain the ICD diagnosis code to you in a direct consultation if necessary.


Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).