
Search results

Your search for cannabis has returned 6 hits.

  • What’s allowed and what’s not during pregnancy?

    Many expectant mothers ask themselves what’s allowed and what should be avoided during pregnancy. This article offers answers to the most important questions.

  • Illegal drugs and drug addiction

    Many drugs have a brief positive effect on mood and feelings of well-being. However, regular use can have severe mental and physical consequences.

  • Legal highs – designer drugs that are actually illegal

    Legal highs or new psychoactive substances are designer drugs that usually mimic well-known illegal drugs. Read on to discover the associated risks and the legislation that bans them.

  • Managing addiction with a self-help group

    Most people with an addiction find it difficult to live without the substance or behavior to which they are addicted. Self-help groups offer support from people with similar experiences.

  • Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia involves phases of an altered perception of reality. This can take the form of delusions, hearing voices or a feeling of being watched, for example.

  • ICD-10 diagnosis code T40.7

    Poisoning: Cannabis (derivatives)