How does climate change affect health?
Climate change is leading to higher temperatures, longer summers and milder winters.
For people, this can mean:
Heatwaves are becoming more common in Germany
High temperatures put strain on the body and can cause heat-related conditions. Older people, young children and people with pre-existing conditions are particularly at risk. However, this risk can be reduced through simple measures.
In good weather, many people head outside to enjoy the sunshine
Sunshine is good for the mental health. However, it is important to properly protect the skin and eyes from UV radiation. This is because it can damage the genetic material and cause cancer.
Many plants benefit from climate change – to the detriment of people with pollen allergies
Longer and warmer summers cause plants to blossom for longer and produce more pollen. For hay fever sufferers, this means that their allergy symptoms persist for longer and are often more pronounced.
The importance of good protection against mosquitoes and ticks is growing
Rising temperatures mean that mosquitoes and ticks that used to be primarily found in tropical regions may in the future also appear in Germany. They can transmit pathogens to humans. This will increase the possibility of becoming infected with these pathogens in Germany in future.