Digitization in healthcare at a glance
Digital solutions are enriching the healthcare sector. Important documents are no longer lost and many treatments can even be performed via video. Apps on prescription complement the treatments. It is easier for patients and doctors to see important information when required, e.g. emergency information or results.
At a glance
- Digitization is changing almost every aspect of healthcare.
- The electronic patient record (ePA) simplifies many processes and creates greater transparency.
- Important documents like the certificate of vaccination, maternity record and dental bonus booklet are available electronically.
- Health apps on prescription – also known as digital health applications (DiGA) – can support treatment.
- Telemedicine enables remote medical services, for example video consultations.

Digitization in healthcare – what is it?
Digitization in healthcare is in full swing: People with statutory health insurance can store medical documents in the electronic patient record (ePA) and share them with doctors as desired. Health apps that support and complement the treatment of various health conditions are already available on prescription. Telemedical solutions can also make some of the physical visits to medical practices unnecessary.
The dream of secure, nationwide networking within the healthcare sector has now become a reality. The telematics infrastructure enables medical practices, hospitals, pharmacies and other German healthcare facilities to securely exchange digital information.
The goal is to connect all participants in healthcare with one another. To do this, technology that protects all patient data is used. Information required for treatment is therefore available in a direct and simple manner.
The following laws helped bring about particularly important progress in the digitization of healthcare:
- E-Health Act (2016)
- Digital Healthcare Act (DVG, 2019)
- Patient Data Protection Act (PDSG, 2020)
- Hospital Future Act (KHZG, 2020)
- Digital Care Modernization Act (DVPMG, June 2021)
The E-Health Act provided the initial foundations for the development of the telematics infrastructure and the introduction of medical applications. The Digital Healthcare Act established, for example, that health apps (digital health applications or DiGA) can be paid for by health insurance providers and prescribed by doctors and psychotherapists.
The Patient Data Protection Act enables the use of digital services such as the electronic patient record or the e-prescription. The Hospital Future Act promotes investment in the digital future of hospitals to further expand modern emergency capacities and improve digitization and IT security. The Digital Care Modernization Act provides a basis for creating new digital healthcare applications, expanding telemedicine and promoting modern networking in the healthcare sector.
Everything digital – the medical data card and electronic patient record
The electronic medical data card (eGK) has been used by patients as proof of insurance for doctor and dentist visits since 2015. In addition to master data such as the name and address of the insured person, emergency data or an electronic medication treatment plan can be saved to the card. The medication treatment plan helps prevent unwanted interactions between different types of medication.
The introduction of the electronic patient record (ePA) marks another important step in the digitization of healthcare. Since 2021, those covered by statutory health insurance can request an ePA and an accompanying app from their health insurance provider. If given consent by the insured person, doctors can view important results, for example from previous visits to specialists or hospital stays.
This helps ensure patients receive better and more efficient treatment, for example by reducing the number of duplicate examinations. With the electronic patient record, patients can view their own medical documents and use their app at any time.
Important: As the insured person, you alone decide if an electronic patient record (ePA) is created, which data is stored in it and who may view it.
Telemedicine: remote healthcare
Telemedicine offers a variety of digital services that complement physical visits to a doctor or medical practitioner. Video consultations via a computer or smartphone can save travel and wait times. Medical professionals can use tele-expertise to exchange information more easily and collaborate more successfully.
Another important aspect of telemedicine is the electronic recording, transfer, and monitoring of important health indicators, such as blood pressure or heart rate, known as telemonitoring. Doctors and patients can use apps to share such indicators, for example.
Is the patient data secure?
From the electronic patient record (ePA) and the transmission of medical data to online consultations, data protection is key to sustainable digitization in the healthcare sector.
Patients have a right to the best possible protection of their medical data. Questions about data privacy and data protection are therefore dealt with carefully in all areas of digitization.
Research and health: digital data for new insights
With increasing digitization in the healthcare sector, ever more information is theoretically available about the development, outlook and treatment of medical conditions. The analysis of this anonymized data can further improve healthcare services.
This kind of extensive data is also known as big data. For example, suitable analysis methods can make it easier to identify relationships between risk factors and health conditions. This enables medical practitioners and pharmacists to develop new methods and treat people more individually.
From 2023, it should be possible to voluntarily donate medical data from the electronic patient record (ePA) for research purposes. As in all areas of healthcare digitization, extensive measures to protect data are already being taken in the field of research in preparation for this.
- Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM). Das Fast Track Verfahren für digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) nach § 139e SGB V. Ein Leitfaden für Hersteller, Leistungserbringer und Anwender. Version 2.2. Aufgerufen am 07.07.2021.
- Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Ärzte sollen Apps verschreiben können. Gesetz für eine bessere Versorgung durch Digitalisierung und Innovation (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz – DVG). Aufgerufen am 30.06.2021.
- Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. E-Health – Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. Aufgerufen am 13.03.2020.
- Albrecht, U.-V. (Hrsg.). Chancen und Risiken von Gesundheits-Apps (CHARISMHA). Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 2016, S. 14–47. DOI: 10.24355/dbbs.084-201210110913-55