ICD code search
The ICD code is a globally recognized system that is used to consistently label medical diagnoses. ICD stands for “International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems”. ICD-10-GM is adapted to the requirements of the German healthcare system; GM stands for “German Modification”. The new ICD-11 officially came into effect in January 2022, alongside version ICD-10, which continues to be valid. Both versions can be used for a transition period of 5 years. Codes continue to be used in accordance with ICD-10 until the introduction of ICD-11 in Germany.
Here you will find an overview of the codes according to ICD-10-GM version 2022.
Please select the first letter of the ICD code you are looking for:
ICD code starting with “U”
- U04.- Severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS]
- U07.- Diseases of uncertain etiology, assigned and unassigned codes U07.-
- U08.- Personal history of COVID-19
- U09.- Post COVID-19 condition
- U10.- Multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19
- U11.- Unassigned code U11.-
- U12.- Unassigned code U12.-
- U13.- Unassigned code U13.-
- U14.- Unassigned code U14.-
- U15.- Unassigned code U15.-
- U50.- Motor function impairment
- U51.- Cognitive impairment
- U52.- Early Rehabilitation Barthel Index [ERBI]
- U55.- On waiting list for organ transplant
- U60.- Clinical categories of HIV disease
- U61.- T-helper cell count in HIV disease
- U69.- Other secondary codes for specific purposes
- U80.- Gram-positive bacterial agents resistant to specific antibiotics, necessitating special therapeutic or hygienic measures
- U81.- Gram-negative bacterial agents resistant to specific antibiotics, necessitating special therapeutic or hygienic measures
- U82.- Mycobacteria with resistance to first-line anti-tuberculous drugs
- U83.- Candida with resistance to fluconazole or voriconazole
- U84.- Virustatic-resistant herpes viruses
- U85.- Human immunodeficiency virus with resistance to virustatics or proteinase inhibitors
- U98.- Unassigned codes U98.-!
- U99.- Used and unused code numbers U99.-!