ICD code search
The ICD code is a globally recognized system that is used to consistently label medical diagnoses. ICD stands for “International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems”. ICD-10-GM is adapted to the requirements of the German healthcare system; GM stands for “German Modification”. The new ICD-11 officially came into effect in January 2022, alongside version ICD-10, which continues to be valid. Both versions can be used for a transition period of 5 years. Codes continue to be used in accordance with ICD-10 until the introduction of ICD-11 in Germany.
Here you will find an overview of the codes according to ICD-10-GM version 2022.
Please select the first letter of the ICD code you are looking for:
ICD code starting with “A”
- A00.- Cholera
- A01.- Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
- A02.- Other salmonella infections
- A03.- Shigellosis
- A04.- Other bacterial intestinal infections
- A05.- Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified
- A06.- Amoebiasis
- A07.- Other protozoal intestinal diseases
- A08.- Viral and other specified intestinal infections
- A09.- Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin
- A15.- Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed
- A16.- Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically, molecularly or histologically
- A17.- Tuberculosis of nervous system
- A18.- Tuberculosis of other organs
- A19.- Miliary tuberculosis
- A20.- Plague
- A21.- Tularaemia
- A22.- Anthrax
- A23.- Brucellosis
- A24.- Glanders and melioidosis
- A25.- Rat-bite fevers
- A26.- Erysipeloid
- A27.- Leptospirosis
- A28.- Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified
- A30.- Leprosy [Hansen disease]
- A31.- Infection due to other mycobacteria
- A32.- Listeriosis
- A33.- Tetanus neonatorum
- A34.- Obstetrical tetanus
- A35.- Other tetanus
- A36.- Diphtheria
- A37.- Whooping cough
- A38.- Scarlet fever
- A39.- Meningococcal infection
- A40.- Streptococcal sepsis
- A41.- Other sepsis
- A42.- Actinomycosis
- A43.- Nocardiosis
- A44.- Bartonellosis
- A46.- Erysipelas
- A48.- Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified
- A49.- Bacterial infection of unspecified site
- A50.- Congenital syphilis
- A51.- Early syphilis
- A52.- Late syphilis
- A53.- Other and unspecified syphilis
- A54.- Gonococcal infection
- A55.- Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum)
- A56.- Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases
- A57.- Chancroid
- A58.- Granuloma inguinale
- A59.- Trichomoniasis
- A60.- Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection
- A63.- Other predominantly sexually transmitted diseases, not elsewhere classified
- A64.- Unspecified sexually transmitted disease
- A65.- Nonvenereal syphilis
- A66.- Yaws
- A67.- Pinta [carate]
- A68.- Relapsing fevers
- A69.- Other spirochaetal infections
- A70.- Chlamydia psittaci infection
- A71.- Trachoma
- A74.- Other diseases caused by chlamydiae
- A75.- Typhus fever
- A77.- Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses]
- A78.- Q fever
- A79.- Other rickettsioses
- A80.- Acute poliomyelitis
- A81.- Atypical virus infections of central nervous system
- A82.- Rabies
- A83.- Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
- A84.- Tick-borne viral encephalitis
- A85.- Other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classified
- A86.- Unspecified viral encephalitis
- A87.- Viral meningitis
- A88.- Other viral infections of central nervous system, not elsewhere classified
- A89.- Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system
- A92.- Other mosquito-borne viral fevers
- A93.- Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified
- A94.- Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever
- A95.- Yellow fever
- A96.- Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever
- A97.- Dengue
- A98.- Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified
- A99.- Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever