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Your search for Infusion has returned 633 hits.

Endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart)

Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. Early treatment is important to avoid complications.

Sudden hearing loss

Sometimes, people suddenly suffer a sudden loss of hearing for an unknown reason. Immediate diagnosis is important due to the risk of permanent hearing damage. Treatment is sometimes required.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Bird flu (avian influenza) primarily affects birds but can also be transmitted to humans through close contact with infected birds. Infection is rare but often has severe symptoms.

EHEC infections

Most infections with the EHEC bacteria come from contaminated food or traces of animal feces. EHEC can cause watery and bloody diarrhea and in some cases acute kidney failure.

Zika virus infection

Zika virus is mainly found in tropical countries. While it produces a mild infection, it can cause serious birth defects if it occurs during pregnancy.

Emergency care from the tele-emergency service or tele-stroke unit

In an emergency like a stroke, every minute counts. Tele-emergency services and tele-stroke units can save lives remotely.

Stem cell donation: from the search for a donor to healing

A stem cell donation can save lives. It is used when no long-term healing of a disease is possible with other methods.

A normal birth

It’s impossible to predict exactly how the birth of a baby will proceed. However, thanks to midwives and medical facilities, it generally turns out to be a positive experience.

Illegal drugs and drug addiction

Many drugs have a brief positive effect on mood and feelings of well-being. However, regular use can have severe mental and physical consequences.

OPS diagnosis code 8-811.1

Transfusion of plasma, plasma components and infusion of volume replacement fluids: Infusion of volume replacement fluids in newborns: Mass infusion (> 5 units)