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Your search for Magnetresonanztomographie has returned 145 hits.
Aortic dissection
An aortic dissection occurs when blood penetrates the wall of the body’s main artery (aorta) through a tear, causing the lining of the aorta to split. Emergency surgery is often required.
Vascular dementia
With vascular dementia, circulatory disorders in the brain lead to a reduction in mental abilities. It is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease.
Multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that originates from plasma cells in the bone marrow. With modern therapies, multiple myeloma can usually be effectively treated.
Broken ankle
If the foot rolls too heavily, for example while playing sports, the upper ankle joint can break. This can affect one or several bones. A broken ankle usually heals easily.
Wrist injury
There are different types of wrist injury which vary a lot in terms of their symptoms and treatment.
Lymphedema occurs when the lymph fluid cannot drain away properly and builds up. It is often caused by a cancer or cancer treatment.
Vulvar cancer
Vulvar cancer is a tumor of the external female reproductive organs. It primarily affects older women but the prevalence among younger women is increasing.
Tendinitis can occur because of heavy use of and excessive strain on a tendon. An irritated tendon requires a period of rest.
Muscle strain
A muscle strain is one of the most common sport injuries, in which the muscle is overstretched through heavy strain.
Torn muscle
A torn muscle involves the tearing of one or more fibers in a muscle. This usually occurs suddenly during a sports activity, such as playing football.