A20.0: Bubonic plague

You have bubonic plague.

You have been infected with the plague. The plague is caused by bacteria called Yersinia. The bacteria usually pass from fleas to rodents such as rats. Humans can become infected if they come into contact with these infected animals. If a person is bitten by an infected flea, they can also catch the plague. Humans can also infect one another via the air or the skin.

You have bubonic plague. The bacteria then infect the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are small bean-shaped objects. They are found throughout the body. Lymph nodes filter the tissue fluid. They are part of the defense system. With bubonic plague, the lymph nodes can swell up like boils and cause pain. The lymph nodes concerned are located in the groin area, for example. The boils can burst and release a purulent fluid.

If you have the plague you can feel run down. You may have a high temperature or headaches and vomiting. Your awareness can also be disrupted.

Additional indicator

On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.

  • G: Confirmed diagnosis
  • V: Tentative diagnosis
  • Z: Condition after
  • A: Excluded diagnosis
  • L: Left
  • R: Right
  • B: Both sides

Further information


This information is not intended for self-diagnosis and does not replace professional medical advice from a doctor. If you find an ICD code on a personal medical document, please also note the additional indicator used for diagnostic confidence.
Your doctor will assist you with any health-related questions and explain the ICD diagnosis code to you in a direct consultation if necessary.


Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).