What is “Was hab’ ich?”

Clear and simple explanations of the ICD and OPS codes  are provided by the non-profit company “Was hab’ ich?” on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG). 

“Was hab’ ich?” is committed to improving doctor-patient communication. To this end, the non-profit organization provides clear and simple health information and trains medical practitioners on patient-friendly communication. Ever since 2011, patients have been able to visit the website washabich.de  and have medical findings and hospital discharge letters “translated” into understandable language. These translations are prepared on a voluntary basis by medical students and doctors who have received in-depth training on understandable communication.

Due to the high demand for comprehensible, individual health information, the social enterprise is researching and working on further projects. To this end, the team of full-time doctors working at “Was hab’ ich” continually writes clear and simple explanations, for example of diagnoses, operations or drugs. Based on the scientific findings about text comprehensibility and the many years of experience gained by “Was hab’ ich” in the clear explanation of highly complex medical content, the texts meet the highest standards with regard to professional and linguistic quality. “Was hab’ ich?” is a signatory of Good Practice in Health Information 2.0.