Care group homes: living in supported outpatient group homes

Care group homes are a way of living a self-determined life even in old age. So these outpatient group homes receive special support. What benefits are there? How are new group homes and conversion measures supported?

At a glance

  • Care group homes aim to help people to receive good care without giving up their private life and independence.
  • The care insurance scheme supports care group homes.
  • The group home allowance supports the deployment of additional care assistants in the home.
  • Anyone setting up a care group home can apply for start-up financing.
Care group homes, where people live together and receive outpatient care: five older people sitting at a dining table with bowls of bread and jam. All the women have a cup in their hand which they are lifting up to toast each other.

Care group homes: live a self-determined life, help one another

New types of living offer a chance to live a self-determined life as long as possible, even in old age. These include, for example, multi-generational houses or supported living. But people in need of care are also increasingly living in group homes.

Care group homes are a way for persons in need of care to live together and receive mutual support without losing their privacy and independence. As in other residential communities, those living in care group homes usually have their own room. Additional rooms are also often available that can be used for group activities.

The care insurance scheme supports people in need of care who wish to live in supported outpatient group homes with measures specifically provided for this purpose.

What is the group home allowance?

One of the measures to support care group homes is the group home allowance, which is measured at a flat 214 euros per month. Those in need of care who live in supported outpatient group homes can apply for the group home allowance in addition to other care insurance benefits, such as the care allowance and outpatient care services. People in need of care at care level 1 are also given the group home allowance if they live in a care group home, whether or not they are getting other care insurance benefits.

Der Wohngruppenzuschlag für eine Pflege-WG wird nur gezahlt, wenn unter anderem diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind: 2 bis 11 Mitbewohner, mindestens 3 pflegebedürftige Bewohner, eine Präsenzkraft.

The group home allowance is only paid if conditions such as the following are met:

  • The person in need of care must live in a home with at least two and at most eleven other residents.
  • At least three of the care group home residents, in all, must be in need of care.
  • The care group home residents must employ a domestic care assistant who helps with organizing, managing, looking after and encouraging the community's life, apart from the nursing staff.
  • The group home allowance is used to fund this domestic care assistant.

Setting up care group homes: how are they funded?

People who are in need of care and who are entitled to the group home allowance can be given start-up financing when setting up a new outpatient supported group home. This aims to enable the shared home to be designed to meet the needs of the elderly and have good accessibility. This start-up financing is granted in addition to grants for measures to improve the living environment.

Anyone in need of care who is involved in setting up a care group home can apply for the start-up financing of up to 2,500 euros. This funding is limited to 10,000 euros in total per care group home. If more than four residents in need of care apply for the start-up financing, the total sum is split proportionately between them. People in need of care at any care level are eligible for this start-up financing.

Important: The one-year deadline for applications begins when the requirements for the start-up financing have been met. The group home members must submit their applications within that year. The care funds can answer questions about the precise terms and procedures relating to start-up financing.

Care group homes: where can I find other residents?

Care group homes are a way for persons in need of care to live together and receive mutual support without losing their privacy and independence.

Anyone wishing to set up a care group home should first think about potential co-residents. To find them, putting up a notice where senior citizens meet or taking out a small advert might help. Care support centers and outpatient care or support services that already look after care group homes may also know about people who might be interested.

As at:

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